Spanish Network of Intercultural Cities

WHAT IS RECI: The RECI (Spanish Network of Intercultural Cities) is a group of cities and territories from different parts of Spain committed to promoting diversity management policies based on interculturalism. The RECI was created in 2011, promoted by the Council of Europe, within the framework of the European Intercultural Cities programme.

WHAT WE DO: Our societies are increasingly diverse, and at the local level, this reality is lived with greater intensity. RECI works to generate tools and actions that allow exploring the potential of this diversity, stimulating creativity and innovation, reinforcing coexistence and vindicating democratic principles to engender economic prosperity, social cohesion and a better quality of life.

HOW: The RECI is managed by the Association of Intercultural Cities, constituted in 2017 with three main objectives: to promote and spread the values ​​and principles of interculturalism, democracy and civic coexistence in cities; to foster a comprehensive and transversal vision of the values ​​and principles of interculturalism; and to encourage networking at a European and international level to build intercultural societies.

Intercultural Cities

The Intercultural Cities Programme defends the use of the intercultural approach in the development of diversity management policies. Interculturalism is based on the commitment to equal rights, duties and social opportunities; in the construction of a positive discourse of diversity and, above all, in the promotion of positive social interaction among the population as a whole, fighting against discrimination and the exclusion of people and groups.

The programme aims to offer instruments to manage cultural diversity as a resource of dynamism and social and economic development, by stimulating creativity and innovation. The ultimate goal is to make diversity a source of economic prosperity, social cohesion and quality of life for all citizens.

You want to know more? Visit the Intercultural Cities website.

About us

Jaime Lanaspa

Marifé Calderón. BARCELONA

Gemma Pinyol


Marta Pérez

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